
What is licensing?


Licensing refers to legal permission to use a patent, trademark, copyright or trade secret. It is a limited contractual transfer of rights with certain conditions from the owner of the intellectual property to another party. The owner retains the original intellectual property rights while giving another party certain specific rights to use. Licensing agreements vary in scope, length, term, trade area, and geographic spanse, among other factors, but usually include specific rights granted, ownership rights, quality control provisions, acceptable forms of use, proprietary rights, infringement enforcement provisions, and termination provisions. Licensing agreements can be a substantial source of revenue for owners of intellectual property.   



What we offer


ARC IP Law professionals assist IP owners with a wide variety of licensing strategies formulated to meet individual business goals. We expertly assist clients through the often-complex process of patent, trademark, copyright and trade secret licensing. We guide clients in


  1. Transfer and negotiation of license terms;

  2. Structuring and strategic development for consideration (monetary or non-monetary) of license;

  3. Minding patent maintenance and infringement components of a license;

  4. Settling license disputes; and

  5. Effecting termination of a license.